My name is Alice. After years of struggling with a variety of gut and bowel issues (IBS, too slow, too fast, bloated, post op, postpartum etc etc), my GP recommended psyllium fibre supplements. They worked an absolute treat. I felt more settled and had far fewer occasions where my IBS controlled my day.
The problem was that I found the mainstream products embarrassing. They were so medicinal and I definitely was not excited to display them in my trolley at the supermarket. The more I talked to my friends the more I realised that there were a lot of people who take fibre supplements. Fibre was not just for elderly parents (and me!). Friends were giving fibre to their kids for continence issues, my aunt was taking it for her blood pressure etc etc etc
I did some research to see what else was out there. It seemed like the alternative fibre and gut supplements were more expensive than a monthly gym memberships, and frankly the extra ingredients were more spin than science.
No.2 is a psyllium fibre supplement that I have made for myself. Working with a food scientist we maximised the psyllium (active ingredient!) to provide you with a no-nonsense daily supplement that is affordable, really works and backed by science.
Read more about Alice and her journey here...